Waiting in line at a government office during the workday to submit a permit application is quickly becoming a thing of the past. The process of permitting is now moving online, spurred by the demands of citizens and government employees (especially during the pandemic). Here’s all you need to know about applying for a permit using an online permit portal

What is an Online Permit Portal?

In the case of a traditional permitting process, residents who require permits would have to submit their physical permit application along with all other paperwork to the government office. The application and the supporting paperwork then changes hands within the government office, until it is finally accepted or rejected – this whole process can take a considerable amount of time and usually adds to the resident’s frustration. 

In comparison, an online permit portal allows residents to submit permit applications online, using the e-permitting portal in a matter of a few minutes. Everything, from submitting the permit application to uploading supporting documents, and then paying the fee for the permit, can be done through the online permit portal. 

Why there is a Need for an Online Permit Portal?

A traditional permitting process has a number of drawbacks. It typically requires residents to visit the government office, stand in queue for their turn, and submit the permit application along with all the other required paperwork. Further, if residents needed to track the status of their permits, they would have to make a trip to the government agency’s office again. This becomes a hassle for a certain section of people like the senior citizens or people with disabilities.

All this leads to decreased efficiency for the staff because not just do they have to interact with numerous residents but they also need to keep track of all the paperwork. An e-permitting portal can solve such issues. Here are a few benefits of online permit portals:

Fast Processing:

Online portals help staff in government agencies review and process applications a lot faster, given that they are not inundated with paperwork.

Increased productivity and accountability

Since officials and residents can track the status of their permits online, online permit portals make staff more accountable.

Improves public satisfaction

Studies have found that adopting an online permit portal improves the general satisfaction of the public since their permit applications are approved a lot faster and they witness continuous community development.

Types of Online Permits

One of the key advantages of an online permit portal is that it allows residents to submit various types of permits, including tree removal permits, road opening permits, and more. Listed below are the various types of permits that can be submitted on Ignatiuz’s online permit portal.

Road Opening Permit

Residents can apply for a road opening permit if they need to install, repair, upgrade, or maintain utilities like electricity or telecommunication, or perform any sewer-related repair work.

Tree Removal Permit

Residents who wish to prune a tree that is located within a common area or a street can submit a tree removal permit through the online permit portal. Online permit applications for the removal of heritage trees and ordinance-sized trees can also be submitted through the portal.

Building Permit

Residents can apply for permits to construct, demolish, remove, repair, enlarge, or convert any building.

Grant planning and zoning permit

Residents can also apply for grant planning permits, which are required before a particular piece of land is developed, and zoning permits, which are what gives the resident the authority to use a plot of land for a specific purpose.

Before the pandemic, residents could walk into the government agency’s office and apply for a permit by submitting all the required paperwork. However, with social distancing norms and stay at home orders being issued in light of COVID-19, a lot has changed for government offices that still need to continue offering their services. An online permit portal, by allowing residents to submit various types of permits online, helps government agencies to continue providing their services.

The Common Procedure for Availing a Permit through an Online Portal

step1: Fill up your personal information

Residents who wish to submit an online permit application will need to navigate to the respective webpage, and key-in all their personal details. Ensure you double-check the details entered, so your permit application doesn’t get rejected.

step2: Provide the location details

In the next step, you will need to provide the exact location of the place for which you require a permit. If you are applying for a permit to enlarge your house, you will, ideally, need to key in your address.

step3: Specify the type of permit needed

Now, you will need to specify the type of work permit that is needed. So, for instance, if you would like to have a tree on your street removed, you will need to select “tree removal permit” as the option.

step4: Upload the supporting documents

Next up, you will need to upload the relevant documents onto the portal. For example, if you are applying for a tree removal permit, you may be required to submit a sketch showing the location of the tree that is to be removed and where the tree is located (within a property, alley, street, or sidewalk). Also, in the case of tree removals, government agencies in many cities and townships will require you to plant a replacement tree, so you will also need to provide the planned location for the replacement tree as well.

step5: Review the details, and then pay and submit

The last step is to do a final review of all the information you entered, pay the required fee through the portal, and then submit the application.

Once you submit your application, the government body will inspect the location/tree, based on which your application will be accepted or rejected.

How Ignatiuz Can Help You


Offering an easy-to-use platform and excellent customer service, Ignatiuz’s online permit portal platform can make a world of difference to the way government bodies offer their services. If you are interested in setting up an online permit portal, reach out to us today.