
2020 has been a tremendously challenging year with roller-coaster rides. The outbreak of coronavirus in the early parts of the year has led to a major shift in the day-to-day lives, both personal, and professional. Nations across the globe had to revisit their healthcare infrastructure, and strategies to cope with the health-related fallout. This has led to a massive requirement for PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) kits for the frontline healthcare professionals, government, and municipal authorities as well as certain niche-specific industries. This makes PPE inventory management more than ever crucial!

The Importance of Medical Inventory Management

With the surge in COVID-19 positive cases across the nation, the requirement for PPE kits also grew by leaps and bounds. Given the scenario, lack of adequate PPE kits, mismanagement of PPE inventory, etc. were some of the challenges that manifested. Without a proper protection mechanism, the general public’s safety is at risk in the ongoing scenarios of the COVID-19 pandemic. It’s not about pandemic alone, PPE kits are widely used by several industries for their daily operations. This makes the tracking of PPE more than ever necessary to ensure adequate availability of them during the need. Besides, healthcare facilities have made a huge capital investment in procuring the PPE inventory, so proper inventory management is also crucial.

To address the ongoing challenges pertaining to PPE or overall medical inventory management, technology has once again come to the rescue. Investing smartly in a PPE inventory management software seems the ultimate logical decision than spending a huge sum of money in procuring PPE stocks every time there is a lack of stock. PPE inventory and monitoring systems offer solutions to strike a balance between the actual demand and inventory of the PPE present in a robust, and efficient manner. The entire process is crafted to offer a hassle-free experience based on your unique business needs and usage. PPE management software is proven to be pivotal to manage large inventories.

The personal protective equipment inventory management software makes it easy to track and restock PPE while eliminating the need for manual and redundant labor. It not only monitors usage, checks equipment status but also offers the managing authorities a holistic, data-driven, real-time view at any point in time.

What to Look for in a PPE Inventory Management System

PPE Management System has much in common with other assets or inventory management software in terms of operation. However, in the case of management of medical PPEs, extra caution must be administered to ensure PPEs are not damaged due to negligence or improper handling and storage. The management criteria vary based on the nature of PPE. A good medical equipment inventory and monitoring system will enable such information for viewing with just a few clicks.

If you are considering investing in a PPE management system, watch out for these criteria.

Real-Time Personal Protective Equipment Monitoring System

When it comes to managing PPE inventory, real-time data and insights are pivotal. A robust PPE management system enables businesses with a real-time view backed by detailed information such as when was the PPE last used, when was it last maintained, etc. Ensure that the PPE inventory management software under consideration has this key feature.

Helps Screen Barcodes and QR Codes

Automated barcode and QR code screening will eliminate the need for a specific workforce to be appointed for manually performing the same. Automating this will ensure immense savings in terms of time, cost, and other resources. Check out this feature in the inventory management systems offered by third-party vendors before making a purchase decision.

Safety checks

The medical inventory management software under consideration should be able to identify in real-time if jackets, gloves, masks, and other protective equipment is worn by the employees entering premises or high-risk areas where the equipment is required.

Customized Reports

Though the COVID-19 positive case curve has flattened a bit, it’s not over yet. Medical facilities still require a massive quantity of PPE variants to serve the patients optimally without putting their own safety at risk. Thus, the demand for PPEs is still high. Hospitals and medical facilities struggle with inadequate PPE including masks and shields due to improper PPE stock management. Based on the hospital’s needs, PPE distribution records should be fairly maintained by the PPE management software.

Centralized Database

When looking for PPE Management software, ensure the data accuracy of the system at all times. Centralized data storage ensures the audit happens in an easy, and hassle-free manner every time, thanks to quick data access and retrieval. Be sure to check for this feature while weighing multiple systems’ viability.


Why You Should Consider a PPE Inventory Management System

PPE inventory management system will remain in demand for the foreseeable future as the COVID-19 pandemic is yet to be over. At this juncture, a robust, scalable PPE inventory management system is the need of the hour. It will immensely assist healthcare facilities in the proper procurement, and management of PPE kits offer a real-time, data-driven view of the storage, which will help replenish the stock on time.

How Ignatiuz can help

Maintaining and regulating PPE inventory stock can be tough for businesses, which is why they must invest in a robust PPE management system. While you may find several third-party vendors for such systems, Ignatiuz’s PPE management software comes equipped with all the critical features you may ever want to have in an ideal PPE inventory management system. Not only it assists you in trying times to manage PPE inventory optimally, but it also keeps your employees’ and clients’ safety a top-notch priority.

Ignatiuz’s PPE inventory management software is easy to use. Some of the key features are.

It helps you:

  1. Read Barcodes and QR codes
  2. Create customized reports
  3. Generate low stock alerts
  4. Customized tracking option
  5. Remote accessibility
  6. Provides real-time data accessibility

Our PPE Management System offers businesses a holistic review of their stock and PPE utilization at each step with cutting-edge proficiency and scientific accuracy in inventory tracking.


Business owners stand to benefit immensely from Ignatiuz’s cutting-edge, robust, one of the best inventory management software. They scan and identify the PPE inventory that needs to be stored, update the quantity of the PPE required directly through the app, and search the required PPE quickly as the product images can be retrieved from the app itself.