What is Body Temperature Screening Kiosk?

After several month-wide lockdowns, businesses were eager to reopen. While most of the businesses have embraced the concept of ‘working from home’, some of them had to have their employees onsite for their daily operations. At this juncture, technology has once again saved the day. A temperature screening kiosk is the key technological innovation that has proven the savior during the COVID-19 pandemic. These kiosks leverage automated identity and temperature monitoring tools that allow businesses to check the temperatures of their employees, customers, and clients in the office premises without much hassle. The high temperature being a common indicator of the COVID-19 infection, those individuals with high temperature are steered for further health investigation and are prohibited from entering the office premises and mingling with other employees.

Why are Businesses Using Body Temperature Screening Kiosks?

Businesses eager to resume their operations were prompt to embrace and test out the concept of temperature reading kiosks. However, certain business establishments are still unsure about the efficacy of these kiosks. Here are some of the key benefits of automated temperature screening kiosks for businesses in the post-lockdown period.

Safe and Truly Contactless

Safety and minimal contact have been topmost priorities during COVID-19 and are going to stay significant in the post-pandemic era as well. While handheld temperature screening devices are being used massively given their cost-efficiency, portability, and a host of other features, physical distancing is still a question with these devices. Ignatiuz’s DAiZO body temperature screening kiosks are effective in ensuring contactless and highly secure temperature measurement. These kiosks employ automated screening technologies that eliminate the need to get physically closer to people, and thus are beneficial in adhering to the social distancing norms.

Easy to Use

The easy-to-use feature of a body temperature scanner by Ignatiuz makes it avidly popular among large enterprises and other industrial establishments. Businesses don’t have to employ a dedicated workforce with a certain amount of technical expertise to monitor and manage the temperature screening process on a daily basis.

Employee Health Privacy

With temperature screening kiosks, the health-related information of employees, and other on-premise people are safe and secure. The information is conveyed only to the particular individual and not divulged to anyone else under any circumstances.

Flexible in Design

As the adage goes “necessity is the mother of innovation”, remote temperature screening kiosks are invented in response to detecting individuals with high temperatures and thus to contain the further spread of COVID-19. Scientists, designers, and researchers across the globe have joined hands with corporate organizations such as Ignatiuz to build these remote kiosks, which are easy, and simple to design, are user-friendly, and effectively offer the desired temperature screening results.

Convenience for Large Corporations

With robust temperature screening kiosks at business premises, the screening processes become not only convenient but also scientifically precise too and run without any glitches. This is an excellent way to identify potential risk locations and take necessary preventive measures to prevent the further spread of COVID-19 infection at offices; employees or clients with elevated temperatures are prohibited from entering common premises and are suggested for further investigations.

A Less Expensive Option

Handheld screening devices come with their own set of pros and cons. They require a group of staff members to monitor employee temperature screening processes manually and using other types of screening stalls may require hiring third-party contractors, which may further add to the already straining budgets of enterprises. However, with remote temperature screening kiosks, these challenges can be effectively addressed. These kiosks help businesses in saving a lot of time, cost, and resources, which otherwise would have been spent on procuring handheld devices, training staff, etc.

Long Term Benefits

Though COVID-19 cases are gradually receding, and vaccines are well underway for faster implementation, safety and social distancing standards still have to be adhered to. Any complacency in this may further lead to a huge spike in COVID-19 infections, which may further lead to nation-wide lockdowns. Body temperature screening, which is now limited to large scale enterprises, large shopping malls, or crowded spaces, is soon anticipated to be adopted across all walks of life, be it the hospitality or entertainment or healthcare, or the educational sector. So, investing in a temperature screening kiosk will help businesses stay ahead in the curve. Remote screening kiosks are set to play a vital role in alerting businesses to identify employees, or other people on their premises with elevated temperature for further screening, and investigation. This will be a cornerstone in restricting the further spread of coronavirus.

Examples of Usage of Body Temperature Screening Kiosks

Apart from businesses, temperature screening kiosks can be proven beneficial for other establishments such as schools, airports, railway stations, large shopping malls, movie theaters, restaurants, and other small, and medium industrial organizations. These kiosks will ensure the resuming of daily operations and smooth management of crowds in a rather efficient and hassle-free manner.

As offline retail operations start in the US, some retail giants are planning to set up temperature screening kiosks at their determined locations.

How Ignatiuz Has Contributed to this Revolutionary Change

Ignatiuz has been a key leader in the IT, technology, and innovation space and strives to assist enterprises in solving their key business challenges with cutting-edge tech-led solutions. During the pandemic era of COVID-19, Ignatiuz has assisted a plethora of industrial establishments in successfully leveraging a key innovation – the DAiZO temperature screening kiosk. This automated touchless temperature screening kiosk system screens visitors within 2 – 3 seconds; quick results mean quick preventive action to keep the COVID-19 infections and spread at bay. These non-intrusive temperature kiosks are easy to design, setup, and implement and most importantly quite space-friendly. Businesses don’t have to keep an entire lobby’s space to station these kiosks. These systems have a 1-year manufacturer warranty, are highly secure, and scalable, and helps businesses with their instant notification features.

To explore more, do connect with the experts at Ignatiuz today!