Author: priyatam.kumar

December 25, 2020

COVID-19, which started as an outbreak, soon impacted global nations in a massive way. The healthcare infrastructures of nations were at the burnt end…
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December 21, 2020
Multi-touch Application

COVID-19, which started as an outbreak, soon impacted global nations in a massive way. The healthcare infrastructures of nations were at the burnt end…
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December 1, 2020
Office 365 Timesheet App

COVID-19, which started as an outbreak, soon impacted global nations in a massive way. The healthcare infrastructures of nations were at the burnt end…
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September 17, 2020
Online Permit Portal

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a monumental increase in the demand for personal protective equipment (PPE). Whether you are a business that makes use…
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September 8, 2020
Multi-touch Application

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a monumental increase in the demand for personal protective equipment (PPE). Whether you are a business that makes use…
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August 7, 2020
Mobile app development

Ionic Framework: Ionic is an open-source framework that builds mobile apps, desktop apps, and progressive web applications. Ionic provides the open-source UI toolkit for…
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July 28, 2020

Data scientists may simply design and deploy machine learning applications using Azure ML, a cloud-based machine learning platform. The text categorization template, which is…
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July 14, 2020
Dynamics 365

What is Channel Integration Framework(CIF): Channel Integration Framework(CIF) is to integrate third-party channel providers with Dynamics 365 Unified Interface Application using browser-based JavaScript API…
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July 6, 2020
Multi-touch Application

What is Channel Integration Framework(CIF): Channel Integration Framework(CIF) is to integrate third-party channel providers with Dynamics 365 Unified Interface Application using browser-based JavaScript API…
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June 30, 2020

Xamarin extends the .NET platform(with other Microsoft tools & libraries) to provide us with 100% native mobile applications. Common code can be written in…
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