COVID-19, which started as an outbreak of the coronavirus has impacted the world as we know it, substantially. It has not only impaired the healthcare infrastructure, but also the economic, social, political, and cultural aspects across the planet. Authorities and governments are buckling up to restore the normalcy, yet, it looks far-fetched considering the consistent surge in the positive cases. Frontline professionals are putting in their best effort to contain the spread of the virus.

With all this, life has come to a standstill. Staying in and staying home has become the new normal though the lockdown curbs are being eased across the country to restore economical activities. Technology has played a pivotal role during these times of crisis. From temperature screening to face recognition to BI-enabled information management to contact-less delivery of essential and non-essential goods are some of the priority areas where tech has been a savior.

The business landscape has also undergone a paradigm shift and the working culture is still evolving. Though businesses were initially apprehensive of the work-from-home culture, it has gained immense popularity, lately. Remote working has been beneficial in ensuring business continuity. In this sphere also, technology is playing a crucial role. Employees all over the world can stay connected, get the work done on time, conduct client/customer meetings seamlessly with tech-enabled infrastructure facilities, internet connectivity, and audio and video conferences.

Here are the 5 innovative ways tech is helping mankind’s fight against the 2020 pandemic.

Increasing traceability and transparency by sharing data

Data pertaining to the COVID updates, the number of people being infected, containment zones are vital to containing the further spread of the virus. While authorities are making their efforts more reachable both online and offline, tech is also lending a hand for its success. An interactive COVID-19 map was launched by Microsoft Bing to keep the general public updated about the COVID spread and other intricate information. A host of social platforms are coming to the forefront to spread awareness about the virus, its signs, and symptoms, precautionary measures as well as treatment options. These help the general public to be optimally aware of all the contingency situations. Such efforts have been greatly appreciated by the frontline workers as well. Trending technologies like mobile, AI, ML, and more, are also being leveraged to provide visibility on the outbreak.

Tracking people with big data

Managing the pandemic is becoming highly challenging as there are asymptomatic cases on the rise as well. While symptomatic individuals can be identified and kept in isolation, asymptomatic individuals are becoming sole carries and spread agents. Herein, big data analytics can play a crucial role in quickly identifying infected individuals, connect with them, track who they have come in contact with over the past week or so. These data and insights will be beneficial in containing the spread and offering requisite treatment for the needy.

The rise of artificial vision

Facial recognition technologies along with data can accurately identify people even if they are wearing masks. Such technologies can help in monitoring movement and tracking people who are quarantined, efficiently, and seamlessly. It also helps in keeping a tab on people and ascertaining whether or not they have been in contact with a COVID-positive person. CCTV cameras equipped with facial recognition technologies can help in identifying infected people, who break the lockdown and safety rules and step out without any emergency requirement despite being quarantined. Keeping a tab on these manually would cost the governments a fortune. Technological advancements are however paving the way for normalcy to return in a highly-efficient manner.

Remote working technologies to support social distancing and maintain business continuity

Businesses are susceptible to a host of threats, natural, and environmental. Yet, the remote working culture will foster business continuity despite the looming challenges. This helps keep the workforce safe, secure, and functional by adhering to the social distancing norms. Working from home helps employees save their precious time that they would otherwise spend on commuting to and from office. Technologies such as enterprise applications, virtual meetings, cloud conferencing, and virtual/mixed/augmented reality are becoming the leaders in ensuring that deliverables are not impacted despite the challenges posed by the pandemic. Remote working is a blessing that has been solely possible due to technology and is one of the greatest solutions that help us adhere to the social distancing guidelines.

Contact-less movement and deliveries through autonomous vehicles, drones, and robots

The continued surge in COVID-positive cases calls for stringent contactless measures. Though the curbs are being eased across all the spheres of life, tech-enabled tools/solutions such as self-driving cars, drones, robots can all help at a time when the need is to avoid human contact as much as possible. Autonomous vehicles can be leveraged to transport affected people to and from healthcare facilities with minimal hassle, without risking the lives of healthy people in and around. Robots can be used for delivering groceries, cooking essentials, sanitizing hospitals, and patrolling the streets, and a host of other aspects.

Temperature Screening Tests

As mankind starts on the path to recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic, remote body temperature monitoring is becoming vital. A high temperature is a likely indicator of the coronavirus infection and remote temperature checking kiosks assist in containing the further spread of the virus. The DAiZO body temperature monitoring device from Ignatiuz is turning out to be one of the most effective and efficient ways to ensure a safe and COVID-free work environment and public places.

DAiZO leverages thermal imaging systems and non-contact infrared thermometers to measure the body’s temperature. Although increased body temperature is not a sure-shot way to identify the symptoms of coronavirus, it is still an effective and preventive measure to curb its spread and keep the non-infected people safe. The devices offer real-time, accurate temperature data that are highly beneficial.

This can also be paired with our COVID Safeguard App – an intuitive way to analyze temperature data right on your smartphone. The app analyzes data received from our screening solutions and using easy to understand graphics, helps identify if a person is within the bar of safety and if he/she can be allowed entry into the premises, or find out the overall safety levels within a location, say a workplace, a school or a restaurant, thus ensuring your safety and that of your loved ones.

COVID-19 has brought the entire world into a standstill though business corporations, transportation systems, community organizations, etc. are gradually eyeing to resume operations while still adhering to safety norms. A temperature screening kiosk makes it easy for organizations to identify if any of the employees are at risk of high temperature and ultimately COVID so that they can take requisite precautionary measures to keep their offices safe and virus-free.

Benefits of Using Body Temperature Monitoring Devices

Below are the benefits of using the DAiZO temperature monitoring device:

1. Detect body temperature in real-time

Daizo body temperature sensing devices from Ignatiuz can detect body temperature within a couple of seconds. A COVID temperature kiosk provides businesses and brick-and-mortar store-owners information about the customers’ or employees’ body temperature in real-time instantly, as elevated body temperature and fever are among the common symptoms of COVID-19. Businesses can detect employees and customers with a potential risk of coronavirus and stop their entry or exit to curb the spread of further infection.

DAiZO body temperature sensing devices from Ignatiuz can detect body temperature in a matter of milliseconds.”

2. Excellent safety measure for employees and customers alike

Employees are a critical asset to any business and thus businesses across the globe are making it a top priority to secure their employees. Though remote working is gaining ground, it might not be suitable and applicable for specific industry verticals. In such scenarios where employers must let their employees work in office premises, remote body temperature screening is a must. It is an excellent way to safeguard the entire workforce against the spread of infection at the entry point into the business premises.

It is also an excellent way to boost employee morale at the workplace and boosts increased productivity. When staff members do not need to worry about the potential threat of the virus being spread in the office premises it fosters a positive, safe, and productive work environment. This is also highly beneficial in avoiding the loss of work hours in case the office premises is put under lockdown if an infectious person is found to have visited it.

3. Safer and adheres to social distancing norms

While social distancing recommendations require people to maintain a distance of at least 6 feet at all times, it’s not possible at all times and everywhere. Handheld temperature monitoring devices would not make it possible to maintain the 6 feet gap and is more likely to be a spreading agent. On the other hand, remote screening kiosks enable employers to easily adhere to the social distancing regulations and ensure effective screening simultaneously. Remote screening kiosks allow employees to get their temperature reading in real-time and those with higher temperatures can be effectively advised to take the requisite measures to stay safe, and healthy. The temperature screening solutions from Ignatiuz are completely operated remotely and can scan body temperature from as far as an arm’s length distance, thus ensuring zero-contact.

4. Cost-effective way to ensure a safe work environment

Handheld screening devices require the allocation and training of staff members to monitor employee temperatures. Using other types of screening stalls require seeking third-party services to monitor and execute the screening process from end-to-end. These options are pricey and may augment the load on the already strained budgets of enterprises. However, remote temperature screening kiosks such as Daizo from Ignatiuz remove the need to train staff and eventually costs considerably less to process employee screening.

Looking for a robust, and reliable Covid-19 temperature screening solution? Connect with the experts at Ignatiuz today!